Child Safeguarding Statement

1. Name of Service being Provided

Artful Minds

2. Nature of Service and Principles to Safeguard Children from Harm

Artful Minds is an arts and crafts service in County Mayo, offering diverse sessions for both children and adults. Our goal is to provide an enjoyable artistic experience and we host our art classes at various venues throughout the county.

For Primary School children, we also organise art camps during school summer and midterm breaks. The classes and camps cover a range of activities:

  • Drawing and painting

  • Creative crafts

  • Seasonal art

  • Process-based art

At Artful Minds, we place the highest importance on the well-being of the children and young people who participate in our programs. We are firmly committed to upholding their rights, which include the right to safety, protection from harm, and the right to be heard. These principles apply universally to all our staff. Every staff member is obliged to endorse these principles, follow our child safeguarding procedures, and complete the necessary Safeguarding Awareness training, as mandated by Irish legislation (Children First Act 2015).

3. Risk Assessment

We have conducted a thorough assessment of potential risks to children while they are participating in our services. Below is a list of the identified risk areas along with the procedures we have established to manage them.

Risk of harm from staff due to a lack of awareness and training

To create a safe and secure environment for children, minimising the risk of harm from staff, we have implemented these procedures:

  1. Acknowledgement and Understanding: All facilitators and trainers are required to acknowledge in writing that they have read and comprehended this statement, including the associated risk assessment and procedures.

  2. Mandatory Children First Training: We mandate that every facilitator and trainer completes the Children First Training as required by Irish legislation (Children First Act 2015). This training ensures that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to recognize, report, and respond to child protection concerns.

  3. Ongoing Compliance: Facilitators and trainers are expected to maintain ongoing compliance with our Child Safeguarding Statement, including staying up-to-date with any revisions or updates.

Risk of a child being collected by an unauthorised adult

To ensure the safety and well-being of children by strictly controlling who is allowed to pick them up from our programs, we have implemented the following procedures:

  1. Named Adult Authorisation: By default, only the adult(s) named during the child's booking will be authorised to collect the child. This information is gathered and verified during the registration process.

  2. Explicit Agreements: In cases where a different adult needs to collect the child, we require explicit prior consent and notification from the primary contact or guardian. This agreement is documented and maintained securely.

A child may wander off and be at risk

Ensure that children remain safe and under careful supervision throughout their participation in our programs, by establishing the following safety procedures:

  1. Constant Supervision: Children are closely supervised and kept within the view of responsible adults at all times in the art room.

  2. Secure Environments: We maintain secure and designated areas for our programs, reducing the likelihood of children wandering into potentially unsafe areas.

Risk of Children may be at harm by other children

Create a safe and respectful environment, where children are both supervised and educated on appropriate behaviour. To address this risk, we have established the following safeguards:

  1. Supervision: We maintain vigilant supervision of all children participating in our programs at all times. Staff-to-child ratios are adhered to, ensuring adequate oversight.

  2. Code of Behaviour: We make sure that all children are made aware of and understand our code of behaviour. This code outlines acceptable conduct and expectations for respectful and safe interaction with peers.

Risk of harm to child due to unawareness of child’s medical conditions

Enhance the safety and well-being of all children, including those with medical conditions, by ensuring that staff have the necessary knowledge and resources to provide appropriate care and support. To mitigate this risk, we have implemented the following safety measures:

  1. General Safety and Management Practices: We adhere to established safety and management practices to ensure the well-being of all children, such as appropriate adult-to-child ratios and first aid procedures.

  2. Registration Forms: We collect detailed information through registration forms, which include any known medical conditions, allergies, or special needs. This information is used to inform staff and make any necessary accommodations.

Risk of harm due to children inappropriately using social media, phones or other devices during activities

To prevent any potential harm resulting from children using devices during classes, we have implemented the following policy:

  1. Device Usage Policy: Children are strictly prohibited from using electronic devices during our classes. This policy is in place to ensure a focused and distraction-free learning environment. We kindly request parents and guardians to support this policy by refraining from allowing their children to bring devices to class. By doing so, we aim to provide an effective and immersive learning experience for all participants.

Risk of inappropriate disclosure through Social Media Posts

To mitigate the risk of inappropriate disclosure and protect the privacy and safety of our students when we share images on social media platforms, we have implemented the following protective measures

  1. Image Protection: We prioritize the privacy and security of our students when sharing posts on social media. Images of students are carefully selected and edited to exclude any personal or sensitive information, such as full names, addresses, or contact details.

  2. Parental Consent: Prior to posting any images of students on social media, we obtain explicit and informed consent from parents or guardians. This consent includes a clear understanding of the purpose and context of the image sharing, and parents are informed of their right to withdraw consent at any time.

  3. Staff Training: Our staff members are well-trained and educated on these procedures, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding the privacy of students when sharing images on social media.


Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017), and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure, and Practice.


We acknowledge that implementation is an ongoing process. Our service is dedicated to effectively implementing this Child Safeguarding Statement and the associated procedures, all of which are aimed at safeguarding children from harm while they participate in our service.

This Child Safeguarding Statement will undergo review on August 29, 2023, or as soon as reasonably practicable following any significant changes in matters to which the statement pertains.


Daniela Baumgarten
Castlebar, Co. Mayo